Catherine Fowler

Catherine Fowler
Dr. Catherine Fowler is co-director for the NTACT:C, funded by the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. Dr. Fowler is also an adjunct instructor of courses in transition methods and collaborative service delivery at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and supports technical assistance and research on other U.S. Department of Education funded projects related to transition services. Her career as a practitioner included early intervention service coordination and classroom teaching of students with autism and intellectual disabilities. Her work focuses on the successful, respectful, and meaningful integration of individuals with disabilities in society. She lives outside of Charlotte with her husband, 12th grade daughter, and two big dogs.
Ph.D. – UNC Charlotte, 2007, Special Education
M.Ed. – UNC Charlotte, 1998, Special Education
B.A. – Wake Forest University, 1993, History
Research Interests/Areas of Expertise
alignment of transition-focused education and academic standards
education systems capacity building