Gloria Campbell-Whatley

Gloria Campbell-Whatley
Gloria Campbell-Whatley is an Professor in the Department of Special Education and Child Development. She is a nationally recognized as an inclusion specialist, consultant, trainer, and keynote speaker. Related to inclusion, she has developed 14 modules/training manuals and written five applied research reports. She has also delivered and produced 51 keynote addresses, strands, workshops, and television presentations, as well as 60+ international, national, regional, state and local presentations across the United States and abroad (Spain, Africa, Brazil, China, and Australia). Scholarly leadership pursuits include 66 published book chapters and articles, 15 modules and training manuals, 6 applied research reports 4 books, 2 recent ones are Leadership Practices for Special and General Educators (2013-Pearson Education) and A School Leader’s Guide to Implementing the Common Core: Inclusive Practices for All Students (2016- Routledge/Taylor Francis). Recently she served as a Faculty Fellow for Inclusion for General Administration in The University of North Carolina system (2015-2017). She worked system wide (17 universities), with both Traditionally White and Historically Black universities, and measured climate, convened focus groups and administered surveys. In fact, the curriculum methodology was cited and published in INSIGHTS for Diversity as innovative. Presently, in the College of Education, as an active member and acting chair of the Diversity Committee, she conducted a Diversity Audit.
Ed.D. – 1989 University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama , Special Education/Learning Disabilities
MA – University of Alabama, Birmingham, Alabama, Special Education/Learning Disabilities
BA – Cum Laude Dillard University, New Orleans, Louisiana, Elementary Education, Mental Retardation
Elementary Education K-8, Certification-A
Learning Disabilities K-12, Certification-AA
North Carolina Teaching License in 2006
SPED Teaching in the Content Area
SPED Consultation and Collaboration
SPED Classroom Management
SPED Doctoral Course in Collaboration and Diversity (Developed)
Research Interests/Areas of Expertise Diversity and Inclusion
Awards & Honors
Professional Honors
2015-present Received the General Admission Fellowship to perform diversity research for the UNC System (17 Universities)
2015 Finalist for the American College on Education (ACE) Fellows
2016-present Featured Author for Rutledge-Taylor Frances
2017-present Featured in Curricular Magazine
2017-present Featured in INSIGHTS for Diversity Magazine.
2012-present Initiated the first Leadership Strand at the Council for Exceptional Children
2010 Faculty Fellow for the Provost to Perform Diversity Research
2003 Named the First Towering Force Scholarship Recipient Tower Bank, Fort Wayne, Indiana
2002 The first African-American female to earn tenure at Indiana-University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne.
2002 Phi Lambda Theta Honor Society, Fort Wayne, IN
2001 Invited to work with The Université Nationale du Bénin, Republique du Bénin, Africa.
1999 Channel 55, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Special education at Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne
1999 Channel 21 TV, Fort Wayne, Indiana. EXCEL summer learning program
1997 Conducted an Audit on the Fort Wayne Middle Schools
1996 TV Presentation and Consultant Workshop on Civil Rights. Fayetteville School System, Lexington, Kentucky
1996 TV Presentation on Special Education Programming. IPFW Up Close, Fort Wayne, Indiana
1987-2000 Kappa Delta Phi Honor Society, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
1985 Outstanding Young Women of America
1993 Invited to work with the Federal University of Piaui and the Ministry of Education, Teresina, Brazil.
1980 Teaching Award
Community Involvement
2014-Present University Faculty Council
2007-Present International Committee
2014-Present University College Faculty Committee (Secretary)
2011-2014 Welfare Committee
2016-present Faculty Fellows Committee (Chair)
2016-present Conceptual Framework Committee (Wrote Portions)
2015-present Diversity Committee (Secretary, Acting Co-Chair, E3 Subcommittee, Faculty Search Committees)
2003 2004 NCATE Diversity (Sub-Committee Chair)
2007-2010 College of Education Curriculum Committee
2007-2008 College of Education Re-Admittance for Graduate School Committee
2007-2008 College of Education International Committee
2016-2017 Search Committee Member
2015-2016 Department Tenure Review Committee (Chair)
2004-2007 (Graduate Advisor and Coordinator)
2004-2005 Search Committee Member
Professional Board Appointments
2015-present Insights for Learning Disabilities, Editorial Board, Consulting Editor, Reviewer
Co-Chair Conference Planning Board for the 24th Annual World Conference on Learning Disabilities
2010-2015 Jacobs Ladder Job Training Board, (Foundation and Families Director), Charlotte, North Carolina
2013-2015 Urban League Board Member, Charlotte, North Carolina
2008-2009 Carolina International School Board Member, Charlotte, NC
2001-2004 Council for Exceptional Children, Board of Directors, Internationally Elected Official (Member at Large)
2000-2003 Fort Wayne Educational Foundation (Board of Directors Member)
2000-2003 Urban League Board Member, Pontiac Youth Center Board, Fort Wayne, Indiana
1999-2001 Council for Exceptional Children Diversity Chair for the Teacher Education Division, Board of Directors
1998-2002 Council for Exceptional Children Professional Standards and Ethics Committee for the Division of Learning Disabilities
State Board of Directors
1999-2001 Council for Exceptional Children Secretary for the Division of Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Board of Directors
1997-1999 Diversity Council Member, Indiana University Purdue University
1997-1999 Council for Exceptional Children, The Indiana Federation of the Council for Exceptional Children, Board of Directors
Professional Ethics and Standards Officer
1997-1999 Council for Exceptional Children, The Division for Cultural and Linguistic Diversity, Board Member, Memberships Chair
1997-1998 Fort Wayne Community Schools, Strategic Planning Team, Fort Wayne, Indiana
1996-1998 Local Education Fund of Allen County, Board Member, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Professional Activities
2017 Mentoring workshops with Chairs at University of North Carolina at Asheville
2017 Climate Committee at the University of North Carolina Wilmington
2017 Presentation to University of North Carolina Senate on Climate
2017 Three Day Institute at Appalachian State University (16 Sessions)
2017 Institute at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington
2017 Institute at the University of North Carolina at Asheville
2017 Focus groups (24 groups) and survey measures on students, faculty, staff and administrators at Appalachian State University
2017 Focus groups (6 groups) and survey measures on students and faculty at the University of North Carolina Agricultural and
Technical University
2016-present Social Justice Ministry Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
2015-present Conducted a Diversity Audit for the College of Education, UNCC
2015-present Journal of Applied Educational and Policy Research, Editorial Board, Reviewer
2015-present DICES- Information and Publications Committee and Journal, Mentor for International Writers
2014-present Mentor for Keonya Booker, Assistant Professor, College of Charleston
2006-present The Journal for Emotional Disorders, Reviewer
2006-2008 The Journal of Multicultural Learning and Teaching, Reviewer
2005-2009 Behavior Disorders: The Council for Exceptional Children, Journal Reviewer
2004-2009 Building Bridges Special Education Conference, created, planned, arranged, facilitated with Exceptional Children
Directors and Coordinators
2001-2001 The Teacher Education Division of Exceptional Children, Conference Proposals
1999-2008 Office of Special Education and TRIO Grant Panels
1999-2008 Teacher Education and Special Education: The Council for Exceptional Children, ournal, Reviewer
1999-2001 Corwin Press Book Company, Sage Publications, Book Reviews
1995-2012 Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners: The Council for Exceptional Children, Journal Reviewer
1996-2008 Teaching Exceptional Children, The Council for Exceptional Children, Reviewer
1997-1998 Exceptional Children. The Council for Exceptional Children, Reviewer
1998-2000 Council for Exceptional Children, Delegate
1997-2003 Journal Gazette Spelling Bee, State and Regional Judge, Fort Wayne, Indiana
1997-2003 Council for Exceptional Children, chartered and advised the Council for Exceptional Children Student Chapter #799 for
Indiana Purdue University
1994-1997 Council for Exceptional Children, Alabama Chapter State Officer, Conference Planner
1997-1998 YWCA, Youth and Family Committee Member, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Selected Publications
Campbell-Whatley, G. D., McKinney, S., & Rodríguez, D. (under review, 2017). Are you hungry for a wizard in the twilight? Teachers College Press: Columbia, NY. Peer Reviewed
Campbell-Whatley, G. D., Hancock, D., & Dunaway, M. (2016-textbook). A school leader’s guide to implementing the common core: Inclusive practices for all students. Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group: New York, NY. Peer Reviewed
Campbell-Whatley, G. D., & Lyons, J. (2013). Leadership practices for special and general educators. Merrill-Prentice Hall: Columbus, Ohio. Peer Reviewed
Campbell-Whatley, G.D. (2004). Who I can be is up to me: Lessons in self-exploration and self-determination for students with disabilities in learning. Research Press: Champaign, Illinois.
Campbell-Whatley, G.D. (2002). Strategies and procedures for designing proactive interventions with a culturally diverse population of students with emotional or behavioral disorders and their families/ caregivers. Council for Exceptional Children, Council for Behavior Disorders: Arlington, VA.
Articles in Scholarly Journals
Toms, O. & Campbell-Whatley, G. (2017 In Press). The effects of check-in, check-out on the academic planning and behavior of African-American males. Journal of Multicultural Education. Emerald Publishing. Data Based, Peer Reviewed
Campbell-Whatley, G., Merriweather, L., Lee, J., & Toms, O. (2016). Evaluation of diversity and multicultural integration training in higher education. Journal of Applied Educational and Policy. 2 (2), 1-14. Data Based, Peer Reviewed
Booker, K., Merriweather, L., & Gloria Campbell-Whatley, G. (2016). The effects of diversity training on faculty and students’ classroom experiences. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 10 (1) 2-7. Data Based, Peer Reviewed
Booker, K. C., & Campbell-Whatley, G. D. (2015). A study of multicultural course change: An analysis of syllabi and classroom dynamics. Journal of Research in Education, 25, 20-34. Data Based, Peer Reviewed
Patrick, C., Lo, Y., Campbell-Whatley, G.D., & Toms, O. (2015). An antecedent-based intervention package for the improvement of on-task behaviors of students with disabilities. Illinois School Journal. Data Based, Peer Reviewed
Campbell-Whatley, G.D., Wang, C., Toms. O., & Williams, N. (2015). Factors affecting campus climate: Creating a welcoming environment. New Waves Educational Research and Development, 18(20), 40-52. Data Based, Peer Reviewed
Toms, O. M., & Campbell-Whatley, G. (2015). Culturally responsive classrooms for African American students. In The Sage Encyclopedia of Classroom Management. Sage Publications. Thousand Oaks: CA. Invited
Hutchison, C.B., Campbell-Whatley, G., & Wiggan, G. (2014). Disability by induction: Academic under-performance when out of context. Insights on Learning Disabilities: From Prevailing Theories to Validated Practices, 11(1), 1-8. Invited
McKinney, S.E., Berry, R.Q., Dickerson, D., & Campbell-Whatley, G. (2014). Addressing urban high-poverty school teacher attrition by addressing urban high-poverty school teacher retention: Why effective teachers persevere. Haberman (Reprinted from Education Research and Reviews, 3(1), 1-9. Peer Reviewed
Campbell-Whatley, G.D., Lee, J., Toms, O., & Wang, C. (2012). Student perceptions of diversity and campus climate: When students speak. New Waves – Educational Research & Development, 15 (1), 3-22. Data Based, Peer Reviewed
Shumate, L., Campbell-Whatley, G.D., & Lo, Y. (2012). Infusing culturally responsive instruction to improve mathematics performance of Latino students with specific learning disabilities. Exceptionality, 20 (1), 39-57.Data Based, Peer Reviewed
Applied Research Reports
Campbell-Whatley, G.D. (2017). Inclusion Report 2017. Submitted to Junius Gonzales, Vice President of Academic Affairs for UNC General Administration, as a Faculty Fellow for UNC General Administration. Data Based
Campbell-Whatley, G.D., Booker, K., Xiong, J., & Guy, Y. (2017). North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University statistical analysis report and recommendations for inclusion. Submitted to Provost Joe B. Whitehead as a Faculty Fellow for UNC General Administration. Data Based
Campbell-Whatley, G.D., Booker, K., & Xiong, J. (2017). Appalachian State University statistical analysis report and recommendations for inclusion. Submitted to Provost Darrell Kruger as a Faculty Fellow for UNC General Administration. Data Based
Campbell-Whatley, G.D., Merriweather, L., Lee, J.A., & Toms, O. (2012). Diversity training evaluation study: Executive summary. Submitted to Joan Lorden, the provost, in conjunction with the Diversity Trainings. Charlotte, NC. Data Based
Edited Work
Hutchison, C. Campbell-Whatley, G.D., & Wiggan, G. (2014). Guest Co-Editor. From Prevailing Theories to Validated Practices, Special Issue. Theme: Diversity as Friend and Foe of Teaching and Learning Processes within Multicultural Societies. Insights on Learning Disabilities, 1(1).
Modules /Training Manuals
Campbell-Whatley, G. (May, 2017). Inclusion Infusion: A Training Guide. Under the Auspices of The University of North Carolina General Administration. Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Campbell-Whatley, G. (May, 2017). Inclusion Infusion for STEM Subjects: A Training Guide. Under the Auspices of The University of North Carolina General Administration. Chapel Hill, North Carolina.