Shawnee Wakeman

Shawnee Wakeman
Shawnee Wakeman is a Clinical Professor in the Special Education and Child Development program. She completed her PhD at UNC Charlotte in 2005 and has worked in various capacities at the university since that time. Dr. Wakeman has lead several federally funded projects related to inclusion, evidence-based strategies in classrooms, and alternate assessments. She teaches undergraduate courses in the adapted curriculum designed for low incidence disabilities and has taught in both online and face to face formats as well as supervised student teachers. Dr. Wakeman has fulfilled several leadership roles within the university (e.g., Institutional Review Board, University Faculty Council) and the Cato College of Education (e.g., COED conceptual framework revision co-chair, developed the Reappointment and Promotion process for clinical faculty, SPED Graduate and Undergraduate program task force lead).
Dr. Wakeman serves as the principal investigator for UNC Charlotte for two Office of Special Education Program grants- Project IMPACT (Inclusion Made Practical for All Children and Teachers), the TIES Center (Increasing Time, Instructional Effectiveness, Engagement, and State Support for Inclusive Practices for student with the most significant cognitive disabilities), and as the co- principal investigator on an IES grant with the University of Kansas- 5E-SESE, which uses an inquiry based model to support science knowledge and practice for special education teachers. Notably in the past, Dr. Wakeman was the principal investigator as a partner in the National Center and State Collaborative general supervision enhancement grant. Dr. Wakeman was also the co-principal investigator for an enhanced assessment grant, Project LEAAP, related to alternate assessments. Additionally, Dr. Wakeman served as the research associate for the National Alternate Assessment Center at UNCC and serves as a national expert on several panels related to AAs and content priorities for this population of students. Dr. Wakeman is the second author of the Links for Academic Learning (LAL) alignment methodology and has coordinated the implementation of that model in more than 20 different studies for more than 18 different states. Dr. Wakeman is coauthor of more than 50 publications and presentations.
PhD in Special Education 2005, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
M.Ed in School Administration/Curriculum and Instruction, 2001, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
M.Ed. in Special Education, 1997, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Attended the University of Hertfordshire, Aldenham, England on a Rotary International Scholarship, 1993
B.A. in Psychology: Special Education (magna cum laude), 1992, Catawba College, Salisbury, N.C.
Area(s) of Interest and Research
Alternate Assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities
Content area instruction (reading, math, science) for students with an intellectual disability
Alignment within the educational system for students with significant cognitive disabilities
edTPA: special education candidate summative performance and formative candidate supports Evidence-based practices for students with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities Inclusion for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities Alternate Assessments Access to and Progress in the General Curriculum